3 things your postpartum diet should achieve

confinement diet

3 things your postpartum diet should achieve

Article by Cherlynn Ng

The confinement period is not just about resting and healing after childbirth. Practicing confinement also has long-term benefits such as keeping your body robust and preventing other ailments years down the road. A good postpartum diet will not only promote physical, mental and emotional wellness, but also helps you to avoid health complications later in life.

The importance of a well-balanced diet during and after pregnancy is common knowledge. However, what many do not know is that your confinement diet should cover these 3 key elements.

1. Wound healing

A good diet is integral when it comes to preventing unclean lochia discharge and excessive wound irritation. Otherwise, there is a risk of inflammation and your uterus might require a longer recovery time.

To promote proper wound-healing, you should consume foods high in protein such as poultry, fish, eggs, yogurt and beans. Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts and pecans also provide plant-based proteins, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that support healing. Make sure to go for leafy vegetables and fruits loaded with vitamin C as well. Kale, spinach and berries are also known to aid in recovery.

2. Physical recuperation

After a taxing childbirth, let the lochia drain and reduce edema first. Once toxins are purged, have a balanced diet to help regulate your body. Reduce heat stress by cutting down on spicy, oily and fried foods. Instead, keep your body and mind strong with these superfoods:

  • Avocados: Contains healthy fats that contribute to brain health
  • Beans: A wonderful source of iron and fibre. Also good for keeping cholesterol levels in check as well as lowering risk of heart disease and cancer
  • Berries: Full of fibre, compounds, and antioxidants for a health body and mind.
  • Oranges: Loaded with vitamin C, which is crucial for fighting infection.
  • Bananas: Packed with vitamin B and magnesium, which are important for proper function of your thyroid and adrenal glands.
  • Broccoli: Rich in vitamins C, A, and K, which can quell tumour growth and reduce cancer risk.
  • Fish: Salmon contains omega-3, which is exceptionally important for brain function.
  • Eggs: Its antioxidants keep eyes healthy and reduce risk of muscular degeneration. It also boost brain development and memory power.
  • Yogurt: Contains good bacteria for a healthy gut and reduced intestinal illnesses. It’s also high in calcium, which helps to prevent osteoporosis.
  • Quinoa: High in protein, iron and fibre. It can control weight, lower risk of heart disease and prevent diabetes.
  • Dark chocolate: Has antioxidants and natural stimulants that can increase focus and enhance your mood.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated at all times!

3. Prolactin boost

Different physiques require different diets. If you suffer from postpartum hemorrhage, use herbs to invigorate your qi and boost blood circulation. Those who feel heaty can try drinking rose tea or jasmine tea to soothe themselves.

If you need a lactation boost, foods such as fenugreek and oats are known to help improve breast milk supply. You can also try popular breastfeeding-friendly confinement dishes such as ginger fried rice, green papaya soup and herbal black chicken soup.

New parents who are unsure about the right foods to consume can hire a confinement nanny to take care of confinement diet planning. Your confinement lady can help to prepare suitable dishes that are both healthy and delicious amongst other duties such as caring for your newborn and helping to lighten the load on your shoulders.

A proper diet goes a long way to when it comes to a healthy you and in turn, a healthy baby!


P.S – Known as the celebrities’ choice, Confinement Angels provides parents with complete peace of mind and maximum comfort by attending to every single aspect of the confinement experience. All of our confinement nannies undergo rigorous training based on an 88-hour syllabus, before being subject to another round of stringent evaluation to determine if they are ready to be deployed for assignments. Because at Confinement Angels, we go above and beyond to bring you only the best.

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