5 benefits of herbal baths during confinement

5 benefits of herbal baths during confinement

Article by Cherlynn Ng

You might have heard of new mothers taking an herbal birth during their confinement and wondered what it is all about. Some questions lingering on your mind probably range from whether you should boil your own herbs or use ready-made packages from a store, how it’s done and what kind of benefits you can expect. Well, read on to have your concerns addressed!

A generous range of herbs can be found in an herbal bath and here are some of the most common ingredients:

• Lemongrass
• Ginger
• Turmeric
• Mugwort
• Pomelo skin
• Betel leaves
• Blumea Balsamifera

While simple recipes for putting together your own herbal bath are readily available online, there are also a variety of pre-packed packages that can be found on the market. Many confinement nanny agencies also offer herbal baths as part of their services.

So why take an herbal bath?

1. Restore qi and dispel wind

Women are believed to have lost their ‘qi’ after the strenuous process of childbirth, leaving them weak and drained. They are also more at risk of catching ‘wind’ in their bodies and suffering from wind-related pains such as ‘feng shi’ and post-natal discomforts.

An herbal bath helps to restore ‘qi’ and expel wind from the body, as well as revitalise the mother. It can also boost her recovery during confinement and allow her to bounce back faster.

2. Promote blood circulation

Likewise, labour results in significant blood loss. A woman’s uterus will also continue to discharge blood and mucus for some time after giving birth. It’s more important now than ever that they replenish their blood so that the body’s healing process is not hindered and its immune system remains robust. Besides consuming iron-rich foods, herbal baths are another effective way of stimulating blood circulation.

3. Soothe birth pains

Mothers who have just gone through pregnancy and delivery will be no stranger to backaches, painful joints, inflamed muscles, vaginal swelling and more. An herbal bath will provide immense relief and comfort to these bothersome troubles as well as strengthen your body.

4. Reduce risk of ailments

Herbal baths don’t just stave off present issues. They prove to be beneficial in the long run by preventing future health problems such as rheumatism and arthritis, which often only set in during old age. Remember: Prevention is better than cure!

5. Stress relief

Imagine soaking yourself in a hot, aromatic bath after a long day of caring for your baby and household. You take in the herbal fragrance and your peaceful surroundings while you relish finally having some time to yourself. You allow yourself to relax and unwind as you feel your troubles dissipate. Now, doesn’t this sound like heaven?


P.S – Known as the celebrities’ choice, Confinement Angels provides parents with complete peace of mind and maximum comfort by attending to every single aspect of the confinement experience. All of our confinement nannies undergo rigorous training based on an 88-hour syllabus, before being subject to another round of stringent evaluation to determine if they are ready to be deployed for assignments. Because at Confinement Angels, we go above and beyond to bring you only the best.

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