The 7 most effective foods for postpartum recovery

The 7 most effective foods for postpartum recovery

Article by Cherlynn Ng

Eating right during confinement not only spurs on your body’s healing process, but also boosts your breast milk supply, which in turn benefits your newborn. A confinement nanny can help you plan the ideal diet that’s rich in protein, iron, calcium and vitamins, while you concentrate on recuperating and caring for your baby.

Check out this list of foods you should incorporate into your postpartum meals and their individual strengths.


Loaded with vitamins, protein and fibre, oats are a wonderful source of energy for nursing mums, especially if you are sleep-deprived. Not only does the fibre in oatmeal fight constipation (a common postnatal ailment), its low glycemic index also helps to maintain glucose levels and control diabetes. For a delicious snack, try mixing oats with milk and topping it off with fruit.


Besides adding a dash of flavour into your food, this Indian spice also contains a wide variety of nutrients such as vitamins B6 and C, fibre, potassium and magnesium. Its capabilities include fighting infections, reducing inflammation and countering digestion woes.


Whether grilled, steamed or baked, salmon is both delectable and packed full of goodness. Its high protein content accelerates wound-healing, while zinc is instrumental in fighting postpartum depression. The omega-3 fatty acids also increases milk lactation but more importantly, it contains the brain-boosting docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a healthy fat that can be passed from your diet to breast milk.

Lean red meat

It’s essential that mothers replenish their blood after childbirth and that’s where lean red meat comes in. Known as a rich source of iron and protein, it helps your body to recuperate faster and strengthens your immune system. Pork liver, which also contains Vitamin A, makes a mouthwatering dish when stir-fried with ginger and sesame oil.

Do take note to consume red meat and innards in moderation, however, as they are high in uric acid and cholesterol. You only need 19mg of iron in your daily intake.

Eggs, tofu and dairy products

Loading up on dairy products such as eggs, tofu, milk, cheese and yoghurt speeds up the recovery process on top of bolstering the development of new cell tissues. It is recommended that mothers in confinement get at least two servings of dairy products a day to replenish your body’s calcium. Eggs in particular contain Vitamin D, which amplifies calcium absorption.


Nuts such as cashews and almonds stand out thanks to their myriad of nutrients and healing properties. Being rich in omega-3, they are adept at stimulating brain development and preventing heart disease among infants in addition to enhancing breast milk production. Vitamin E in almonds also helps to ease the itching caused by stretch marks. No wonder they are a favourite snack among mummies!

Red dates

Breastfeeding mums might find themselves often feeling thirsty or dehydrated. A popular confinement drink that can tackle this issue is red dates tea, which replenishes your body fluids and nourishes your blood. Typically brewed with wolfberry, it is best consumed warm to aid in digestion. Staying hydrated will also ensure that you have a generous supply of breast milk for your little one.


P.S – Known as the celebrities’ choice, Confinement Angels provides parents with complete peace of mind and maximum comfort by attending to every single aspect of the confinement experience. All of our confinement nannies undergo rigorous training based on an 88-hour syllabus, before being subject to another round of stringent evaluation to determine if they are ready to be deployed for assignments. Because at Confinement Angels, we go above and beyond to bring you only the best.

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