7 pregnancy secrets that every first-time mum should know

7 pregnancy secrets that every first-time mum should know

Article by Cherlynn Ng

Hello there, beautiful mamas-to-be! We know how you are feeling right now: A mix of fear, anxiety, excitement, happiness and so many other emotions. After all, you are living the most beautiful period of your life. You are probably stoked about whats in store for you. You may also be Googling for the best advice; after all, its your first time.

When you are pregnant, everyone from your family members to strangers will be overly-eager to share unsolicited advice and unrealistic stories with you. All you can do is nod and smile at them. Nevertheless, there are some lesser-known tips that every first-time mother should be aware of. Here are 7 pregnancy secrets that will make your life so much easier.

1. Don’t eat for two

Well, it might sound offensive, but yes, you dont actually need to eat for two people. We know no one will dare call out you for your wacky pregnancy cravings laksa, fried chicken, soft drinks etc. People around you will tell you to eat whatever you want as long as you keep your baby and tummy filled and happy.

However, this devil-may-care attitude might lead to you overeating and is exactly what you should avoid. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for pregnant mothers. If you over-indulge in eating, then you are probably going to double in size and so will the complications for you and your baby.

2. Pregnancy is tough and if you don’t love it, that’s all right!

Everyone talks about how pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences to ever exist. But what they dont tell you is that you dont have to enjoy every single minute of it. Because lets admit it pregnancy isnt always glamourous and comes with its fair share of hardship.

While bringing a new life into this world is a remarkable feat, we should be able to feel comfortable in discussing how unpleasant the journey can be at times. Aching back muscles, sore feet, non-stop bathroom breaks and indigestion are all part of the package. So yes, pregnancy is hard on every woman and its perfectly all right not to relish every little moment. It doesnt mean you are a bad mother in any way.

3. You have to VERY work hard to get in shape again

Without any sugar-coating, its going to be tough for you to get your pre-pregnancy body back. If you want to fit in your favourite pair of jeans again, you are going to have to work extra hard for it. Any woman who tells you that her weight simply dropped without much effort on her part probably isnt being completely honest. Know that all your hard work will pay off in the end though.

4. Yes, you need maternity clothes

Its not uncommon to come across women who insist on fitting into their stretchy clothes so that they can hide their pregnancy. You might be doing it too. But the reality is you are pregnant, and you look like a pregnant woman. Hence, there is no need to squeeze your big belly into tight tops just to look hot or fitbecause you wouldnt.

Embrace your new self and body because motherhood is a priceless gift that not everyone gets to experience. There is no need to conceal anything because you are beautiful the way you are. With the variety of stylish and comfortable maternity clothes available these days, its possible to both

look good and feel good in them. More importantly, you and your baby can feel comfy and free. So discard those too-tight jeans and go for what makes you feel yourself. 

5. Everyone hates belly rubs from strangers

Why all these touchy-feely belly rubs? Its irritating, intrusive and feels weird. Dont worry, you are not a bad person for clandestinely thinking that belly-rubbers should keep their hands to themselves. No doubt that most of these people have good intentions and mean no harm. Still, it feels awkward when people you barely know get a little too close for comfort.

6. It’s normal to have a problem with your pregnant body

People will tell you to embrace your new look and enjoy the miracle that is growing inside your body. But its completely fine if you cant. After all, your body is undergoing drastic changes, both physically and emotionally. There will be days when you feel discomfort, pain and self-loathing, especially when you cant fit into your old clothes or when every part of your body is aching.

Know that this is normal and its honestly okay not to love your pregnant body. Dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise and make you feel like a bad mama.

7. You will feel like an emotional wreck after delivery

You might find yourself on a rollercoaster of conflicting feelings after childbirth. Some mothers suffer from postpartum depression and do not feel a bond with their baby, while others appear out of sorts. Every woman experiences post-delivery emotional changes differently and its nothing to be ashamed of. This is a rough time in your life because your body has gone through so much in such a short period. Being prepared for these changes and the flurry of emotions that follow will help you to better cope with them when the time comes.

With these pregnancy secrets now at your fingertips, you should have a better understanding of whats in store for you as a first-time mother and be able to prepare accordingly. We wish you a safe and smooth delivery!


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