5 benefits of herbal baths during confinement

5 benefits of herbal baths during confinement

You might have heard of new mothers taking an herbal birth during their confinement and wondered what it is all about. Some questions lingering on your mind probably range from how it’s done to what kind of benefits you can expect. Well, read on to have your concerns addressed!

Remember to do these 5 things after giving birth

Remember to do these 5 things after giving birth

Congrats! You’ve just left the hospital with the latest addition to your family: A happy, bubbly baby. You start to plan your next steps… and before you know it, your to-do list seems like it has no end in sight.

7 quick ways to comfort a crying baby

7 quick ways to comfort a crying baby

Babies cry for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, the wailing doesn’t cease even when it seems like you are doing everything right. Try these tips when your little one seems inconsolable and you might just find something that works!

7 effective ways to boost your breast milk supply

7 effective ways to boost your breast milk supply

It’s normal for new mums to wonder if they are producing enough breast milk for their baby. The good news is you have nothing to worry about if he or she is gaining weight well. However, some mothers might struggle with providing an ample supply or have problems coping with the whole process.

5 little-known ways to fully enjoy your confinement period

5 little-known ways to fully enjoy your confinement period

Pregnancy and childbirth can be immensely stressful — and the pressure doesn’t stop there. However, there are still many things you can do to make the most out of your experience and have a fulfilling postpartum journey so check out these awesome tips!

5 common pregnancy fears and how to overcome them

5 common pregnancy fears and how to overcome them

Expecting a child is something to rejoice over, but you might find anxiety and fear creeping in every now and then. While that’s absolutely normal, you should not let these ill feelings overshadow the joy of pregnancy and parenthood.

7 easy exercises to shape you up after childbirth

7 easy exercises to shape you up after childbirth

Now that you have finally conquered the exhausting stages of pregnancy and giving birth, it’s time to focus on healing your body. And what better way to do that than with a nutritious diet and regular exercise?

7 symptoms of postpartum depression to look out for

7 symptoms of postpartum depression to look out for

Welcoming a baby can be an emotional rollercoaster ride of joy, anxiety, fear and more. It can also get overwhelming and bring forth a whole new set of challenges, including dealing with postpartum depression.

Top 5 confinement myths to beware of

Top 5 confinement myths to beware of

Mothers in confinement have to take extra care because not only are they weakened by childbirth and still on the road to recover. However, it can be hard knowing what’s safe to do and what’s best avoided, especially with so much often-conflicting information out there.

Top 5 confinement dishes that all mums should try

Top 5 confinement dishes that all mums should try

Eating right is more crucial than ever when you are a mother who has just given birth and are still adjusting to your new phase of life. Here are some popular confinement dishes that will whet your appetite and leave you wanting more, while providing your body with all the nutrients it needs!