Nope, these 5 things do NOT cause a miscarriage

miscarriage causes

Nope, these 5 things do NOT cause a miscarriage

Article by Cherlynn Ng

One of the greatest fears among pregnant women is having a miscarriage. And the myths surrounding the causes of a miscarriage certainly do not help. If anything, they leave you all the more anxious and worried. But how much of what we read online should be taken with a pinch of salt?

It goes without saying that a healthy lifestyle is crucial to having a smooth pregnancy and healthy infant. However, the best person to consult about what you can and cannot do when expecting a baby is still your gynae. And of course, steer clear of misinformation about how these situations will cause you to miscarry:

1. Exercise

While it’s true that pregnant women should avoid strenuous exercise and over-exerting themselves, it’s still important to maintain an active lifestyle to ensure optimal health for both mother and child. Regular exercise not only reduces backaches, constipation and other physical ailments, but also improves your energy levels, promotes better sleep, relieves stress and more!

Partake in light exercises such as walking, running or even dancing. Simple stretches, yoga and aerobics are extremely beneficial in working your muscles. But even though you should not stop keeping fit during pregnancy, you should always only do what is within your means.

2. Sex

Truth is, sexual intercourse during pregnancy will not trigger a miscarriage. Your developing foetus is well-protected by strong muscles and the amniotic fluid in your uterus. Furthermore, there is no way your partner can reach that far to ‘hit’ the baby nesting comfortably in your womb. Pregnancy, however, can cause changes in your level of comfort and sexual desire.

The only time you should be worried is when sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are involved as they can harm both the mother and her unborn child. Make sure to go for routine check-ups so that any STDs can be detected early.

3. Spotting

Noticed a few drops of blood in your underwear? Bleeding or spotting while pregnant is not always a cause for alarm. In fact, it is a common symptom experienced by pregnant women, especially in the early stages. It can occur anytime from conception to the end of pregnancy. You’ll be glad to know that many expectant mums who experience spotting go on to have healthy pregnancies and babies.

Nevertheless, you should keep your doctor informed about your symptoms and describe what you are experiencing. Even if there is no cause for worry, it’s best to err on the side of caution.

4. Dressing inappropriately

Heard that wearing high heels or tight clothing can increase your risks of a miscarriage? There is no evidence to support such claims. Tight clothes cannot ‘squeeze’ your baby out of you, but you might want to opt for more comfortable wear as your pregnancy progresses. Neither do high heels contribute directly to a miscarriage, though we recommend switching to comfy footwear that provides adequate support to prevent falls or injury.

5. You

A miscarriage can be hard for the mum-to-be to accept, and feelings of guilt or self-blame aren’t uncommon. However, it’s important to recognise that miscarriages typically occur because the foetus isn’t developing normally, with most being unpreventable and out of anyone’s control. As mentioned, there is no evidence that stress or physical and sexual activity will induce a miscarriage.

No one should be blamed for this heartbreaking event, least of all the expectant mum. Know that there was nothing you could have done and allow yourself to grieve. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings and seek grief counselling or medical advice if needed.


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