5 ways to make real deep connections with your unborn baby

5 ways to make real deep connections with your unborn baby

Article by Cherlynn Ng

The connection you share with your child is a lifelong affair and it does not have to start only when he or she is born. In fact, pregnancy is the perfect time to begin developing a great rapport with your little angel. Bonding with your unborn baby has been known to aid in its growth while making the pregnancy feel more real to you, so check out these five tips!

Talk to your baby

Yes, your baby can hear from as early as 18 weeks, starting with internal sounds such as your hungry stomach growling and the comforting soundtrack of your heartbeat. As their hearing develops, they will start reacting to noises both inside and outside the mother’s body. Getting to hear your voice not only soothes your baby, but also helps them to recognise and feel
attached to you once they are born. Spend some time every day talking to your baby, whether it is reading to them or describing the things you will do together in future. There’s nothing more incredible than when your baby responds to the sound of your voice through kicks and nudges.

Play music to your baby

Similarly, listening to music while pregnant forges a strong connection between mother and child. Besides stimulating early brain development in the fetus, it also sends calming chemicals throughout the body and into the placenta to facilitate bonding and relaxation. Listen to something you like because anything you enjoy will naturally have a positive effect on
your baby. This should be a pleasurable activity, so don’t force yourself to play Beethoven on a loop if it’s not your cup of tea.

Gently rub and massage your belly

Known as a love language, physical touch is another brilliant way to communicate with your unborn child. You may start to feel your baby’s movements from about 18 to 20 weeks and a good way to respond is through belly rubs. For instance, poke back gently when you feel a nudge from them. Don’t be surprised if they kick back at you!
You can also get your partner to join in by giving you a massage. Not only is this a wonderful opportunity for you to unwind and relax, he gets to bond with your baby at the same time too.

Try pregnancy yoga

Never tried yoga before? Being in your second trimester is the best time to start. Attending prenatal yoga classes gives you the chance to escape the humdrum of daily life and focus on the baby growing in your belly. It is also a great way to stay in shape while relieving stress. A natural remedy for common pregnancy discomforts, yoga helps to relax both your mind and body, which in turn lets you feel more in touch with your baby. All that stretching and breathing techniques you pick up during your classes will also come in handy during labour.

Take photos of your bump

Set aside time each week to take a photograph of yourself sideways on. Not only will the pictures make a precious memento after childbirth, this is also a good way to monitor your baby’s growth. In addition to being a visual reminder of how real the pregnancy is, comparing the photos lets you see how much your little one is changing at every stage.
Some mothers go for a professional maternity shoot towards the end of their pregnancy to immortalise the journey. This way, they have something to look back on fondly. Because while pregnancy is not permanent, the memories — as well as the priceless bond between you and your child — last forever.


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